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In our world, Product Innovation is the development and market introduction of a new, redesigned, or substantially improved product or service. It’s not only about developing something new and original, it’s also about taking what you have, and make it better! 


Realising Product Innovations

Conceive it

It may be a new idea, an old product not quite meeting the requirements in a changing market or a challenge that need to find its solution:

  • Innovative Conceptual Design

  • Virtual Modeling

  • IPR Development and Strategy

Document it

Will it meet relevant requirements including any relevant standards, clients expectations and sound business goals? We apply advanced Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) tools and hold comprehensive experiences and knowledge related to their use.   

Prototype it


  • it be made at target cost

  • it perform according to specifications

  • it be visualised for demonstration purposes

  • we generate early data-sets for further development

Prototyping may be a cost-efficient route in reducing technology-risks, to convince the market up-front and to enlighten the development process. 

Patent it

IPR Development may include patent development and applications, registered designs and trade marks. We have developed various IPR, both in conjunction with our own internal projects as well as for our clients. We collaborate with international well-respected patent and trademark attorneys and can assist at any stage in your IPR processes.

Industrialise it

The transition from a qualified design to a fully functional product requires the consideration of several constraints as well as possibilities of technical, organisational, economic as well as human nature. In this complex process, the industrialisation engineer plays a key role. We have the knowledge and can fill that role. 

Research it

We provide consultancy services too. Most often of a technical nature, but also related to policies in addition to compliance issues. We have a particularly strong background from the maritime sector working for regulators as well as for commercial operators.


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